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My vet is refusing to write a prescription. What can I do?

If a vet is refusing to issue you a prescription, start by asking them why this is the case. Some vets are still unaware that there is a legitimate online supplier of animal medicines in Australia, and may assume that the medicine will be imported from an overseas pharmacy (which is illegal). You could reassure the vet into issuing a prescription by showing them this link to the NSW Pharmacy Register which validates our authority to provide prescription animal medicines.

In Australia, veterinarians do not have to issue their clients with a prescription when requested. If your vet is unwilling to write a prescription, then to use our service your only option is to find another vet in your area who is happy to write prescriptions. Your pet will require a consultation with the new veterinarian before they could write a prescription.

In our experience the majority of veterinarians are happy to write prescriptions. It is just a matter of asking politely.

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  1. Rasjid

    Our vet changes $76 for issuing a script. Even so, for an expensive ongoing medication that our dog needs every day, it is still worth it.

  2. Hamish Waters

    Most Vets now seem to charge at least $27 for issuing a scrip which when added to postage charges when ordering online makes an effective barrier of about 435 to odering meciation online hence the very high mark up vsome vets enjoy on medication.