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My pet is on a lifelong medicine. Can I get an open ended prescription so I don't need to keep sending in renewals?

The longest that a prescription can be valid for is 12 months, so it is difficult for a prescription to supply more than a year. In other words, your vet will have to write a prescription at least once a year (which would coincide well with the annual checkup).

The vet is entitled to put “repeats” on the prescription, so when you run out you can get more from us without having to send in another prescription (since we will already have the original prescription on file). Unfortunately even if there were 2 years’ worth of repeats on the prescription, we cannot dispense the second year of medication once the prescription reaches its 12 month expiry date.

We will endeavor to let you know when you need to take your pet to the veterinarian for another prescription if the script has expired or if all the repeats have been supplied, whichever happens sooner.

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